Wednesday 31 December 2008

My Cuppa and Tea Breaks...

I don't really drink coffee - simply because it's 'bitter'. However, whilst hanging about in NYC's Chinatown one summer afternoon, I tried at one of the few Vietnamese restaurants in the area an iced café à la vietnamienne (cà phê sữa đá), which is pretty much a self-service affair.

In the coffee cup is a generous amount of sweetened evaporated milk. When the dripping is done, all you need to do is just to pour the freshly brewed coffee over the ice. How simple.

I find these tiny, single serving Vietnamese coffee filters quite lovely, and got one for myself when I was visiting Vietnam. Haven't unwrapped it yet though, you know I'm not much of a coffee drinker!

شاي, الإسكندرية

Rich Milky Tea, القاهرة

Green tea should always be served 'plain' - Suzhou, China

in Shanghai

Red Tea, مملكة البحرين

القاهرة, حلبة - Quite Refreshing


شاي بالنعناع

Cappuccino in NYC

...and it's the eve of 2009. Happy New Year to you all!