Wednesday 23 November 2011

UAE | Embassy Receptions: Lebanon's Independence Day

Lebanese Chargée d'Affaires

The Republic of Lebanon became independent from France in 1943. It's an Arab state but almost half of the population is Christian and French is widely spoken. A reception was held at the Embassy on Tuesday.

Lebanese cuisine seems to signify the best of Arabic cuisine. Apparently most of the top Middle Eastern restaurants in the West are said to be Lebanese.

Middle Eastern Dish of Spiced Rice with Roast Lamb (or Chicken)

For example Egyptian or Yemeni food is homey food in terms of presentation, and may never be served in a fancy restaurant no matter how good it tastes.

Turkish food is also a popular Middle Eastern cuisine but Turkey itself is not an Arab state. They are Muslim but they don't speak Arabic either.

Chicken (right) and Lamb Shawarma Station

Shawarma must be a popular sandwich. You can get one for AED3~5 at any cafeteria. There was also crispy falafel.

I left the party around 22.00 to go back to Dubai. The Lebanese community must be big so there were still a lot of people in the garden enjoying themselves.

Long Buffet Table

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