Thursday, 15 December 2011

UAE | Embassy Receptions: Bahrain's National Day

Got a Sweet Tooth??

Bahrain celebrates its 40th National Day!

Bahrain is an island nation, only slightly bigger than Singapore.

Dolma, Locally Known As Maḥshi

In Turkey or Greece it is called "dolma". It's a cold appetiser of stuffed or rolled veggies with a touch of sourness.

Not Surprisingly, the Majority of the Guests Were Male...

Compared to the Saudi or Omani receptions, I must say there were relatively more female guests attending.

Emiratis represent less than 20% of the entire population of the UAE, so it's quite unusual to be surrounded by so many Arab men!

Head of a Roasted Lamb... Look at the Teeth and the Gums... Ow!

President of UAE (L) and Bahrain's King Hamad Al-Khalifa


  1. Those lamb teeth look yummy! Reminds me of Michael Myers in Austin Powers! Yeah baby! :-)


    1. Thank you LPB, for your rather unique comment on which I have absolutely no comment...
